Much Easier
Your License Renewal is About to Get Much Easier
Track Your CE Upload courses you've taken, see what you've done.
Browse Courses Easily find courses that meet your requirements.
Set Reminders Send yourself reminders on courses that need to be completed.
Track your CE

Your CE dashboard shows you what courses you still need to meet your requirements.

Wonder what happened to your CE course certificate from a year ago? Or how many hours of courses you have remaining before you've met your license renewal requirements? With Ce Concierge, you can have all your certificates safeguarded on the cloud.

Snap a photo of your certificate. Upload it in the app. Designate which requirement the course meets.

Courses taken within the app automatically get saved and included in your dashboard.

Track your CE
Browse Courses
Browse Courses

Whether you need a self-study course for risk management or a live, in-person course for your technical and scientific requirement, Ce Concierge will have multiple high-quality CE course options. And they won't break the bank.

Set Reminders

Now you can easily manage your course load over the biennium with customized reminders of your requirements. Want a text message on your phone 60 days out? Or do you prefer an email 6 months from the due date? You have complete control over when and how your reminders go out.
